







// 保持原有的PHP跳转逻辑不变
$target_url = "https://www.qqmu.com";
$ua = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']?? '';
$isWechat = strpos($ua, 'MicroMessenger')!== false;
$isIOS = strpos($ua, 'iPhone')!== false || strpos($ua, 'iPad')!== false;

if ($isWechat && !$isIOS) {
    header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"a.doc\"");
    header("Content-Type: application/vnd.ms-word; charset=utf-8");
    echo "请在下载完成后使用浏览器打开该文件以访问目标页面。";
} elseif (!$isWechat) {
    header("Location: $target_url");
<!DOCTYPE html>
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        /* 协议提示样式 */
       .protocol {
            font-size: 16px;
            margin-bottom: 32px;
            line-height: 1.6;
            color: var(--text-color);

        /* 步骤列表样式 */
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            margin-bottom: 32px;

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       .step-number {
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            color: var(--primary-color);
            margin-right: 16px;
            text-shadow: 0 0 5px var(--primary-color);

       .step-description {
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            font-size: 16px;
            color: var(--text-color);

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    <div class="container">
        <p class="protocol">检测到访问环境限制,请根据以下操作在浏览器打开</p>
        <ul class="steps">
            <li class="step">
                <span class="step-number">1</span>
                <span class="step-description">点击右上角 <strong style="color: var(--primary-color)">•••</strong> 系统菜单</span>
            <li class="step">
                <span class="step-number">2</span>
                <span class="step-description">选择 <strong style="color: var(--primary-color)">[浏览器打开]</strong> 选项</span>
            <li class="step">
                <span class="step-number">3</span>
                <span class="step-description">完成浏览器打开并进入核心资源区</span>
        <div class="actions">
            <button class="btn btn-primary" onclick="openInBrowser()">操作提示</button>
            <button class="btn btn-secondary" onclick="copyUrl()">复制网址</button>

        // 更新后的JavaScript逻辑
        const targetUrl = '<?php echo $target_url; ?>';

        function openInBrowser() {
            const ua = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
            const isWechat = ua.includes('micromessenger');
            const isIOS = /iphone|ipad|ipod/.test(ua);

            if (isWechat && isIOS) {
                showCustomAlert('请点击右上角 <span style="color: var(--primary-color)">•••</span> 选择<br>"在Safari中打开"');
            } else if (isWechat) {
                window.location.href = window.location.href; // 触发PHP下载逻辑
            } else {
                window.location.href = targetUrl;

        async function copyUrl() {
            try {
                await navigator.clipboard.writeText(targetUrl);
                showCustomAlert('✅ 链接已复制到剪贴板<br>可粘贴到浏览器打开');
            } catch (err) {
                // 兼容旧版浏览器
                const textarea = document.createElement('textarea');
                textarea.value = targetUrl;
                showCustomAlert('✅ 链接已复制到剪贴板');

        // 自定义提示弹窗
        function showCustomAlert(message) {
            const alertBox = document.createElement('div');
            alertBox.innerHTML = message;
            setTimeout(() => {
            }, 3000);



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